June 15th not June 3rd: Planet Parade


The planet alignment (parade) articles span across various media, but they neglect to highlight details which would clarify the date is not the 3rd of June but rather the 15th.

It was an article in  Star Walk Astronomical News, a planetarium phone app, which instigated the idea June 3rd was the best date to view the alignment of five planets.  But another article from Weather.com challenges the assertion the date is June 3rd but instead suggest it is June 15th AND they correctly call it planetary alignment rather than parade. They recommend using "Stellarium to view this event, it does look fairly impressive. In addition to those six planets, even the Waning Crescent Moon gets in on the show!" 

  • 3 planets - Mini planetary alignment –
  • 4 planets - Small planetary alignment
  •  5 or 6 planets - Large planetary alignment
  • Great (full) planetary alignment – all Solar System planets (+ Pluto sometime)

5-7 planets align 

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