GoFund Established to Assist the Children of Kathy Chavez


State Assemblywoman Suzanne Vasque has established a GoFund for her sister-in-law's four children who lost their mother in a horrific car accident Wednesday, February 8th.

Kathy Chavez was driving to the Castaic Post office, where she worked, at 3:45am Wednesday February 8th when her vehicle, a Honda Accord, was struck by a Corvette. The driver of the Corvette, according to law enforcement, ignored a red light while traveling at speeds of 90-100mph going northbound on Balboa Blvd at Victory Blvd., in the San Fernando Valley. The driver of the Corvette also died in the accident and a passenger remains in critical condition. Fatality Traffic Collision 02/08/2023 INC#0183 | Los Angeles Fire Department (lafd.org)

Kathy Chavez grew up in Reseda, after her family immigrated to America from Peru. She had moved to Bakersfield but also stayed at her mother's house in Reseda on occasion, as was the case Wednesday. A news article from, The Limited Times included interviews with family friends who all spoke well of her: A Latina mother who was driving to work dies in California in a dramatic accident with a Corvette that ran a red light

Her children ranged in age from 26 to 11 years old and one grandchild. A GoFundMe was established by her sister-in-law, State Assemblywoman Suzanne Vasquez on behalf of the children, with a goal of $50,000 to assist in the immediate needs of the children and their future caregiving and education. https://gofund.me/7b5585d4

The GoFund description of her children includes:

  • A son who is the father of her 2yr old grandchild
  • A daughter, Jasmine, who is described a college student, working part-time, and most likely will take on the role of looking after her young siblings.
  • A19 yr daughter who is in college working on becoming a P.A.
  • A 11 yr old son with special needs due to an autistic diagnosis
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