The Sherman Oaks Friends of the Library Presents: The Delicious History of Chocolate
Missed it last year? Loved it so much you want more? Here's your opportunity!
Chocolate, it's a food group, right? Whether you like milk or dark, or even white chocolate (which, by the way, isn't really chocolate), it would be fun to know more about this yummy stuff. Where did it come from? Do we pick Hershey's bars right off the tree? What does that percentage number mean anyway? The answer to these burning chocolate questions will be answered! You'll learn the origins of chocolate and some fun historical facts, and there may even be a few surprises. Join Lee Rubinstein, a chocolate-lover from way back, for a look into one of nature's gifts…chocolate!
For ADA accommodations, call (213) 228-7430 at least 72 hours prior to the event.
Para ajustes razonables según la ley de ADA, llama al (213) 228-7430 al menos 72 horas antes del evento.
Due to space limitations, reservations will be required and once we've reached capacity, we'll be taking a waiting list, so don't delay. Please contact the branch at (818) 205-9716 during library hours to have your name added to the list.
Sherman Oaks Martin Pollard Branch Library
Community Room
14245 Moorpark Street
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
United States