Temperatures Over 115! 10x in Past 40 Years


Weather stations at L.A. Pierce College & Burbank airport offer temperatures for west valley & east valley residents. The service is free and updated every 10 minutes.

Surprise!  There have been only 10 days in which the temperature exceeded 115°F:

Pierce College Weather Station (westernweathergroup.com)

National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) (noaa.gov)

Month Date Year Temp
7 3 1985 115
8 25 1985 115
9 7 2020 115
8 24 1985 116
7 6 2018 116
9 5 2020 117
7 22 2006 119
7 22 2006 119
7 22 2006 119
9 6 2020 120
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