Bakersfield Almond Blossoms Abound


Almond Farms in Bakersfield - photo by Lorraine Mabbett

Highway 43 (AKA Enos Lane) between I-5 and the City of Shafter is an easy drive that takes you through the heart of almond country in Kern County. Also, Highway 58 between Highway 43 and I-5.

E Panama Lane East of Highway 184 along South Vineland Road to Mountain View Road.v

900-998 S Wheeler Ridge Rd, Bakersfield, CA 93307
I-5 - Panama Lane continue to Route 43 toward Shafter, continue to Coffee Road along 7th Standard.

One of the largest Almond Farms is JSS Almonds 5600 Norris Road as well of a older family farm   

Almond trees are removed after 20 to 25 years and replaced with saplings which begin producing nuts within about three years.  The old trees are no longer burned but rather now they are ground up and used to enrich the soil and  improve water infiltration and storage. Compare to the life of pistachio trees of 75 years and citrus with a 100 year life.

Bakersfield is approximately 1.5 - 2 hours away from the San Fernando Valley.

Almond Farms in Bakersfield - photo by Lorraine Mabbett
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