Catalytic Converter Theft: Alert from LAPD Devonshire Division


Catalytic Converters Theft Prevention Tips were posted on the Facebook account of the Devonshire Area LAPD - we have reposted the information here.

**Catalytic Converters Theft Prevention Tips ** 

Devonshire Area had (28) Catalytic Converter Thefts, so far this year.

Most incidents occurred on the streets. If at all possible, park your vehicle in the driveway or garage. 

What thieves look for:

Catalytic converter thefts typically happen to vehicles that are parked for prolonged periods in large lots, street way parking, shopping centers, mass transit commuter lots or company parking lots.

The most recently targeted vehicles are the Toyota Prius, Honda Civic/CRV, and Ford trucks.

Please follow the following tips:

  • Always park in well-lighted areas
  • At shopping centers and other similar parking lots, park close to the entrance of the building or near the access road where there's a lot of traffic
  • If you own or work at a business or factory, park within a fenced area that's busy during the day and secured at night
  • Engrave your license plate number on the converter to make it traceable
  • Purchase a vehicle security system and make sure it’s set to trigger with just the slightest motion
  • Visit a local muffler shop and have the converter secured to the vehicle’s frame with a couple of pieces of hardened steel welded to the frame
  • Check out the different types of catalytic converter theft deterrent systems at your local auto parts store or online.

Stay well, stay safe.

Catalytic Converters Theft Prevention Tips were posted on the Facebook account of the Devonshire Area LAPD - we have reposted the information here. 

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