- May 2022: 1800' Big cross-border tunnel found linking Tijuana, San Diego – Winnipeg Free Press
- Many tunnels, including the one announced Monday, are in San Diego’s Otay Mesa industrial area, where clay-like soil is conducive to digging and warehouses provide cover.
- August 2021: 183-foot long subterranean tunnel ICYMI: ICE Discovers Sophisticated Subterranean Tunnel in California Near U.S.-Mexico Border
- January 2020: 4309' Longest Cross-Border Tunnel Discovered in San Diego
- Following the discovery in late August 2019, Mexican law enforcement identified the tunnel entrance and members of the San Diego Tunnel Task Force (SDTTF) began mapping the tunnel from Mexico. Concealed by a small industrial building, the tunnel travels north into the U.S. bending slightly west and extending an astonishing 4,068 ft. from the border, with a total length of 4,309 ft.; over three-quarters of a mile. Photos and videos are available online of the tunnel discovery.
- October 2018 31' deep shat to 627' long Cross-border Tunnel Discovered near Jacumba |
- Agents reported that there was a solar panel system used to run the electrical, lighting and ventilation systems that were in the tunnel. There were also two sump-pump systems within the tunnel to pump out any water that gathered in the tunnel. Agents also reported that a rail system was installed that ran the entire length of the tunnel.
- August 2017: Human smuggling Border Patrol Arrests 30; Discover Smuggling Tunnel |
- April 2016: 2400' Longest Cross-Border Drug Tunnel Discovered Had Elevator, Ventilation and Lighting
- It is the 13th operational large scale border tunnel found along the state's border since 2006 and the second tunnel discovered in the Otay Mesa area in the past month. Agents discovered the tunnel when they noticed a dumpster being strategically placed in a pallet yard. A sign on the fence outside the business reads: "Otay Pallets - We buy pallets."
- March 2016: Authorities found a secret, cross-border tunnel hidden in a home built specifically for the purpose of concealing the tunnel's entrance, officials said. It's believed to be the first instance in California where smugglers built a home for the sole purpose of transporting drugs.
- July 2015: Drug lord Joaquin Guzman, whose arrest in 2014 was seen as a major coup for President Enrique Pena Nieto, escaped through such a tunnel on 11 July - just short of the American border. US-Mexico border drug tunnel found near Tijuana - BBC News
- April 2014: 449' Two tunnels found under California-Mexico border | World | smdailyjournal.com
- April 3 2014 - 2,966' Authorities in San Diego unearth longest cross-border drug tunnel in history - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com)
- May 2011 - Major cross-border drug tunnel discovered south of San Diego | ICE
- In the last four years, federal authorities have detected more than 75 cross-border smuggling tunnels, most of them in California and Arizona. The passageway uncovered Tuesday is the sixth large-scale drug smuggling tunnel discovered in the San Diego since 2006. Last year, local investigators identified two highly sophisticated tunnels in the area, one on Election Day and one three weeks later on Thanksgiving
- November 2010: 1800' 2 more tunnels found under California-Mexico border (usatoday.com)
- 2006-2010 Since 2006, more than 80 cross-border tunnels in various stages of construction have been found, mostly in California and Arizona
What Lies Beneath Investigating Arizona's illicit subterranean passageways with Border Patrol's Tunnel Team The Nogales Tunnel Task Force, headed by Homeland Security Investigations and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, was established in 2011 and is made up of personnel from CBP, the Drug Enforcement Administration; and state and local agencies. Before the task force was created, the Nogales Station had a tunnel team to deal with illegal entries through drainage and infrastructure and via illicit tunnels in the Nogales area. The Border Patrol’s Nogales tunnel team works closely with the Nogales Tunnel Task Force.
February 2017: Written testimony of CBP Paul Beeson, Director of DHS Joint Task Force – West for a House Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security hearing titled “A Dangerous and Sophisticated Adversary: The Threat to the Homeland Posed by Cartel Operations”
- When tunnels are detected and investigated, each U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) sector follows established protocols for coordination, confirmation, assessment, investigation, exploitation, and remediation. The USBP is an active participant in ICE Homeland Security Investigations’ (HSI) tunnel task forces.
- Since agents discovered the first illicit tunnel in 1990 in Douglas, Arizona, there have been 195 i1licit cross-border tunnels discovered - 194 along the Southwest border and one discovered along the Northern border near Lynden, Washington
According to a New York Post 2018 article — more than 200 cross-border tunnels have been discovered since CBP was formed in 2003.
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