Two prior discussions of the same topic include
Great Power Competition and Counternarcotics in the Western Hemisphere
By Chloe Gilroy 868312.pdf (Chloe Gilroy is a researcher specializing in security issues in Latin America and the Carib bean including counternarcotics, organized crime, and migration. )
China’s constrained approach to drug control in the Western Hemisphere is rooted in great power com
petition and has been catastrophic for American public health and security. Although the United States
rightfully bears the brunt of responsibility for the creation and perpetuation of its domestic opioid crisis due to unchecked demand, the supply of synthetics drugs would dry up without Chinese pharmaceutical and chemical manufacturers. The spread of synthetic drug production has also had a profound effect on Mexico’s criminal landscape and is driving its DTOs to atomize and move into other illicit economies. In response, policymakers should more forcefully leverage America economic and political might to compel meaningful Chinese drug control and should dedicate greater amounts of foreign counternarcotic assistance to bolstering precursor chemical detection at Mexico’s ports in Manzanillo and Lázaro Cárdenas and along the Central American isthmus
The National Defense University Press published an article November 4, 2020 "Past Eras of Great Power Competition: Historical Insights and Implications"
Congressman Brad Sherman (32) is the only San Fernando Valley representative serving on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. His input into the
"This chapter provides a short overview of the historical context and construct for understanding the emerging era of Great Power competition (GPC). It begins with a discussion of the theoretical bases for understanding power: hard power and soft power, as well as the manner in which scholars of international affairs have understood the nature of Great Power competition and the transition between Great Powers. The chapter then operationalizes the main historic dimensions of interstate competition, focusing on five major categories of Great Power interaction: political and diplomatic, ideological, informational, military, and economic. It provides a compact overview of the major research literature findings about GPC dynamics and outcomes over the past 500 years. The chapter then features an analytical review of four cases of rivalry dyads contested during eras of GPC, evaluated across the five categories of state-to-state interaction. It concludes with delineation of 10 major insights and implications about Great Power competitions and transitions that seem germane for the dawning era of GPC."
The Honorable Brian Nichols
Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs
Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs
U.S. Department of State
The Honorable Todd Robinson
Assistant Secretary
Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs
U.S. Department of State
Mr. Michael Camilleri
Acting Assistant Administrator
Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean
U.S. Agency for International Development
The members of Congress representing the San Fernando Valley are