
H.R. 6403 (98th): Victims of Crime Act of 1984 - Establishes within the Treasury the Crime Victims Fund. In 1988, the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) was formally established within the Department of Justice (DOJ) to administer VOCA programs.
Victim Assistance formula grants support thousands of victim assistance programs throughout the Nation each year. Allocations vary by state and are determined by several factors, starting with the obligation cap set by Congress.
Deposits to the CVF ( Crime Victims Fund ) come from
R42672 ( From the Crime Victims Fund deposits available for victim assistance grants, each state grantee receives a base amount of $500,000, except for the territories...
The remaining Crime Victims Fund deposits are distributed to each state, based on the state’s population in relation to all other states, as determined by current census data.
California has had 88 Awards from 2019 -2023 total funded: $76,494,216 of which 10 awards were designated for Los Angeles County totaling $8,199,551.
The 2023 awards were:
Anti-Trafficking Housing Assistance Program - Los Angeles County | OVC FY 2023 Anti-Trafficking Housing Assistance Program (Services and Training and Technical Assistance) | COALITION TO ABOLISH SLAVERY & TRAFFICKING | $1,199,871 |
Comprehensive Legal Services to Human Trafficking Survivors in Los Angeles | OVC FY 2023 Services for Victims of Human Trafficking | COALITION TO ABOLISH SLAVERY & TRAFFICKING | $799,967 |
Healing Opportunities through Perseverance and Empowerment (HOPE) | OVC FY 2023 Services for Victims of Human Trafficking | SPECIAL SERVICE FOR GROUPS, INC. | $949,997 |
Removing Barriers to Legal Services for Asian Pacific Islander Victims of Human Trafficking | OVC FY 2023 Services for Victims of Human Trafficking | LEGAL AID FOUNDATION OF LOS ANGELES | $800,000 |
For more information about formula grants, visit
Current Funding Opportunities | Office for Victims of Crime (