
The antibiotics, nor the understanding of germs, we take for granted were not present when President Garfield was shot neither 43 years later when John Coolidge Jr. was injured.
An accounting, combined with diary entries, of the long-suffering injury and ultimate death of President Andrew Garfield is detailed in the 2011 book by Candice Millard in "Destiny of the Republic: : A Tale of Madness, Medicine and the Murder of a President" .
A bundle of letters written by Mrs. Coolidge, was given by her granddaughter's husband to the Calvin Coolidge Memorial Foundation two-years after the death, in 2000, of his wife Lydia Coolidge Sayles
One letter was written July 17, 1932, by Grace Coolidge to her son John Coolidge and his wife Florence. It describes Calvin Coolidge Jr's dying hours, due to an infected blister on his toe which led to blood poisoning; in a time before antibiotics. Calvin Coolidge had died 8 years prior, July 7th, 1924.
“I leaned over his bed knowing that he was fast slipping beyond the reach of my voice, perhaps even then would not hear, and I said, ‘You’re alright, Calvin,’ as I had said it so many times in the days when he was troubled about some little matter. Without opening his eyes, he nodded his head, ever so little and the flicker of his old smile came and was gone. Then, they began giving him oxygen and kept his heart beating, but his spirit had slipped away,” she wrote. “All the afternoon, dark, awe-inspiring clouds had rolled across the sky, the lightening was almost constant and thunder followed it in mighty roars of majestic power. Calvin’s dilerium (sic) seemed to be a part of it all and for a long time, he seemed to be on a horse leading a cavalry charge in battle. He called out, ‘come on, come on; help, help!’ and, for a time, he thought he was sitting backwards on his horse and asked us to turn him around. Father put his arms under him and tried to persuade him that he had turned him but he thought he was still wrong side around. Finally, he relaxed and called out, ‘We surrender, we surrender!’” Dr. Boone said, ‘never surrender, Calvin.’ He answered only, ‘yes.’ And somehow I was glad that he had gone down, still fighting.” “I have written all this down for you, this morning, because I want you to know that death seems to me a very natural, even a very beautiful transition, a passing from life here, interesting though it is, into a more abundant life, in which our spirits develop more beautifully and strongly and where opportunity for service is greater, where all is more clearly understood and selfishness and greed are unknown,” she wrote to her surviving son and his wife.
Letters provide a personal look at the Coolidge family | News |
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