Patent for Pet Safety Restraint Issued to So Cal Inventors


A patent was issued this past week for inventors associated with Pasadena based SleepyPod, a pet harness company with "Thoughtfully Made Products for Safer Pet Travel "

The issuance of a patent is not a short-term process, nor unattainable!  Each week we list patents issued to local companies and inventors.  While Amgen, MiniMed, and Hughes Research Lab may dominate the list there are many small companies and individuals who succeed in protecting their idea thru the US Patent Office.   Such as US 12,070,014 B1 patent filed by Launch Lab of Pasadena but the products are sold thru SleepyPod. The invention is attributed to Michael Leung, Pomona, CA (US); and Ruixi Chen, Temple City, CA (US). Michael Leung is Sleepypods co-founder and lead product designer . The patent is described as:

An animal harness that tightens when the animal pulls, said harness comprising:a) i) a fabric harness, at least a portion of the fabric is resiliently stretchable the resiliently stretchable fabric being able to stretch at least 20% longer than its unstretched dimension and, having openings for the animal's left and right forelegs, ii) a left side strap having an outboard end and an inboard end, iii) a right side strap having an outboard end and an inboard end and, iv) a first center strap having an attachment point for a leash or lead;


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