Heat Kills Children Unattended in a Car During Summer Heat


Two very serious, incidents demonstrate the dangers, for humans and pets, of a car closed up during the summer heat. Approximately 1,220 people are killed annually per year.

Two-year old twin girls in Oklahoma, Avery and Ariel, died in the backseat of a hot car in Oklahoma this past week.

A three-year old from Orange County died from heat stroke after medical emergency crew found her with her mother in a car yesterday. The mother remains hospitalized.

These two , very serious, incidents demonstrate the dangers, for humans and pets, of a car closed up during the summer heat.

Heat risk by zip code: https://ephtracking.cdc.gov/Applications/HeatRisk/

Heat and Health Guidance Infographic_v9 (cdc.gov)

HeatRisk is a health-based heat forecast developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)'s National Weather Service (NWS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It integrates health and temperature data to deliver a 7-day outlook for hot weather. HeatRisk uses a 5-level scale to indicate how risky the heat level is in a specific area. Each level uses a color to represent risks from heat exposure.



Climate Data Online (CDO) - The National Climatic Data Center's (NCDC) Climate Data Online (CDO) provides free access to NCDC's archive of historical weather and climate data in addition to station history information. | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) (noaa.gov)

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