Camarillo Sex Registrant Compliance Sweep


Ventura County Sheriff’s detectives utilized a CA grant to supplement costs for a resident check of 82 registered sex offenders throughout Camarillo. 25% were not home or had moved.

Counties in California have authority to establish and implement a sexual assault felony enforcement (SAFE) team program pursuant  Part 4 Title 6 Chapter 9.7 of the California Penal Code. (County Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement (SAFE)Team Program [13887 - 13887.4])

It also states (b) The Legislature finds and declares that identifying and developing reliable and sustainable funding for SAFE teams established by this chapter, including those established in rural and regional areas, is critical for reducing sexual assaults in California.

According to the California Attorney General's web page:  

Sexual Assault Evidence Submission Grant Program | State of California - Department of Justice - Office of the Attorney General   The Budget Act of 2021 appropriated $4 million in grant funding to assist local law enforcement agencies with the process of submitting and testing sexual assault forensic evidence.....Interested law enforcement agencies are encouraged to learn more about the grant program, the eligibility criteria, and the Request for Applications (RFA) process. The grant application period has been extended. The revised application closing date is March 4, 2024.

...The grant period for the use of these funds will begin on or around April 1, 2024 and will end March 1, 2027.  Questions concerning the application process may be directed to the DOJ at


It was with the Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement (SAFE / ELEAS) program f̶u̶n̶d̶s̶  a̶r̶e̶ which provided funds for the compliance check; including one on Saturday 10/12/24, at the eighty-two residences of registered sex offenders throughout the City of Camarillo.

  • 63 of the sex registrants were confirmed to be in compliance with their registration requirements. 
  • 19 were not contacted because they were either not home or had moved. Sheriff’s detectives will follow-up to determine if the nineteen registrants not contacted are out of compliance.

    The Sheriff’s Office aggressively pursues prosecution of those sex registrants who fail to comply
    with their registration requirements. Detectives will be conducting similar sweeps on an ongoing
    basis to verify the registered sex offenders in our community are living at their reported residences and remain in compliance with any probation or parole terms. Residents of Ventura County can visit the Megan’s Law website ( to familiarize themselves with the sex registrants in their community.

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