Swordplay: Coax an Inner Brunnhilde or Jack Sparrow?


The art of theatrical swordplay, stage combat, is a two-weekend class in July at Theater Botanicum; taught by an expert fight instructor from The Art of The Swashbuckler School.

The Theater Botanicum offers a variety of classes, in addition to the live stage performances. See: The Winter's Tale at Theatricum Botanicum |  Running June 1 - September 30

The classes are offered to a variety of age groups as well as topics including the very necessary 2024 conversational skill, top-this, of knowing theatrical swordplay also known as stage combat!  Stage Combat Intensive With Marc Antonio Pritchett - Will Geer Theatricum Botanicum

While the cost to impress is not for the budget strapped; the $250 class charge can be paid in two installments, with a minimum, non-refundable 50% deposit required. Classes are 

July 20, 21, 27 and 28   10am – 12pm

According to the website, the background of Marc Antonio Pritchett, the instructor, is:

With 20 years of theatrical combat experience and over 30 years of martial arts experience, Marc will challenge and delight by teaching fight choreography! You will memorize complex sequences and time your actions with a partner all while continuously recalling a litany of movements, attacks, parries and evasions. Safety is a #1 priority for this class. The techniques and safeties that you will learn are the same ones Marc was taught by legends of this genre and have since put to use over the past 20 years in his work as a professional fight coordinator.

Experienced and novice fighters welcome. All will be challenged and expand their skills

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