How Do L.A. Council Rules Resolve Inappropriate Behavior of Members


L.A. Council Rules authority granted via City Charter Section 242. An incited call for resignation, outside of criminal cause, ignores protocol of Council Rules to censure

Council Rules are procedural. Rules are adopted, pursuant to authority set forth in Charter Section 242, to assist the City Council in the orderly conduct of City business consistent with law.


87. Disapproval
The Council may adopt a resolution of disapproval in the same way as provided for the adoption of any resolution, provided that the Councilmember who is the subject of the resolution is permitted to speak in his or her defense prior to action on the motion for adoption of the resolution. However, the fact that the Councilmember who is the subject of a disapproval resolution does not choose to respond to the resolution or does not attend the meeting at which the resolution is to be adopted shall not prevent the Council from adopting the resolution, provided the Councilmember had actual notice of the inclusion of the resolution on the agenda and had a reasonable opportunity to attend the meeting.

88.  Full context here: M:\Docs\CMA2\Rules073009.82509.wpd (

  • The request shall contain the specific charges on which the proposed censure is based.
  • The request for censure shall be considered by a five member ad hoc Committee of the Council established by the President of the Council or, if the President is the subject of the censure, then established by the President Pro Tempore
  • The City Clerk shall deliver a copy of the request for censure and the charges to each member of the Council at least 72 hours prior to the first meeting of the ad hoc Committee at which the request will be first considered.

It should be noted

  • The President of the City Council has stepped down. 
  • There is no President Pro Tempore. Council Member Mitch O'Farrell has stepped in as President.
  • The 11th Amendment of the US Constitution limits the power of the Federal Government intervening either by the Executive Office or Congress. However, the purse strings, distribution of Federal money is one means of controlling municipalities.
  • There has been a call to increase the number of council members by the media prior to the selective excerpts and one year old audio tape.  LA City Council: Who's Running In The 2022 General Election And Why It Matters | LAist
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