
The eBookshelf is a partnership with The Palace Project. It uses the Palace app to provide access to digital content. Previously, readers had to log in through a participating library to get to all the ebooks available on the eBookshelf. "
After the launch of California’s Bookshelf virtual library earlier today, The Palace Project has seen an influx of new users accessing The Palace Project app. Increased traffic has caused app slowness and outages that the Palace team is currently addressing.
"Your patience and understanding is appreciated as we work to resolve these issues."
There are five steps to access California’s Bookshelf and create a virtual library card:
1. Download the free Palace app on your iOS or Android device.........
Press Release from California State Library
The Palace Project is supported by Lyrasis, in strategic partnership with the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA). Lyrasis is a community-focused, mission-driven nonprofit that partners with archives, libraries, museums and research communities to ensure enduring access to our shared academic, scientific and cultural heritage. Home to The Palace Project, BiblioBoard, the Indie Author Project, DSpace, ArchivesSpace and other community-supported programs, Lyrasis offers technologies and services to help knowledge professionals and collections-holding organizations worldwide foster collaboration, solve problems and build solutions to benefit the wider community.
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