Nethercutt Museum Under Renovations - Closed Until October 12th


  Nethercutt Museum Under Renovations - Closed Until October 12th

 The Nethercutt Museum has over 250 American and European perfectly restored automobiles,
along with a vast array of rare mechanical musical instruments and precious antique furniture.

The museum was established by JB Nethercutt, nephew of the founder of Merle Norman Cosmetics, hence, the museums earlier name of "Merle Norman Museum".

According to the museum website:

"In 1956, J.B. purchased two cars: a 1936 Duesenberg Convertible Roadster for $5,000 and a 1930 DuPont Town Car for $500, both needing total refurbishing. The DuPont restoration, which J.B. estimated would take a few weeks, instead took 18 months and over $65,000."

JB Nethercutt continued to collect distinctive cars. And when he passed away on December 6, 2004 at the age of 91, memorably stated: “The recognition and preservation of beauty has been a major focus of my life. It would suit me well if what people remembered about me was, ‘Where he went, he left beauty behind.’”

Founders (

The Museum is a self-guided tour event located at  15151 Bledsoe Street Sylmar, CA 91342


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