SB 553 Restricts Retail Employees Response to Mob Theft


SB553 passed thru three Assembly committees without SFV representatives. Nor is there a companion bill proposing increased penalties for mobs conspiring to steal from retailers.

SB 553 would add Section 6401.9  to the Labor Code, which among other things would

prohibit employers from “maintaining policies that require employees to confront active shooters or suspected shoplifters.”

Small retail business owners have pursued the media to garner exposure of their concerns the bill is an invitation to be targeted by the growing number of mobs conspiring to implode upon a store and quickly steal expensive merchandise.

The title of SB553 "Occupational safety: workplace violence: restraining orders and workplace violence prevention plan" belies the content of the bill affecting retail store owners, in-store employees, and eventually in-person shoppers. Nor did the legislators prepare a companion bill addressing the lax penalties for group retail theft.

SB553 was introduced 2/15/23 and passed the Senate Committees  by  5/31/23 at which time it entered the Assembly. Today it passed the Assembly Appropriations Committee (Ayes 10. Noes 4.). It was read a second time and amended. Ordered to second reading.

The CA State Assembly districts of the San Fernando Valley include: 40, 42, 43, 44, 46. None of the Assembly Committees which have reviewed the bill include a representative from the SFV.

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