The Journeys of Innovation series tells the stories of inventors or entrepreneurs who have made a positive difference in the world.
Whitney Pandil-Eaton's story focuses on J. Kevin White, a military veteran and inventor, who is bringing into focus an issue near and dear to him: correcting vision. A series of serendipitous events over a 20-year period helped J. Kevin White go from vision sufferer, to patented inventor, to becoming a global eye health advocate. He is working to bring practical solutions to communities that lack basic eye health care through his patented vision testing system and his Global Vision 2020 organization.
For other stories about military veteran inventors, check out Inventors who serve.
A sampling of the topics covered on the US Patent "Inventor and Entrepreneur Resource Page" include:
Protect yourself
Entrepreneur resources
Learn about small business resources at the USPTO and other federal agencies.
- Startup resources
- License or sell your IP
- Change patent owner
- Change trademark owner
- Other federal resources
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