Pacific Palisades Stats: Anomalies or Errors


73.5% of 46,857 Pacific Palisade Fire area homes were built before 1979 and 17.6% were built prior to 1939. Stevie Nicks at Fire-Aid thanked fire-fighters for saving her 1938 home

A CalFire spokesperson detailed on January 11 

Saturday 1/11/25:Todd Hopkins from the Unified IC Cal Fire Incident Management Team clarified the statistic citing structures destroyed. "Approximately 5,316 structures have been destroyed. Please, what I want you to remember is that structures does not mean homes. Structures can be 

  • Homes
  • Outbuildings
  • RV's
  • Automobiles, 
  • and other types of things like sheds or outbuildings, RV's, 

426 homes have been destroyed in Pacific Palisades, according to Todd Hopkins. Listen starting at the :57 minute mark:  Cal Fire Official Reports Progress Made On Fighting The Palisades Fire: It Has Been ’11% Contained’

Chris Thomas, a spokesman for the unified incident command at the Palisades fire, said "initial estimate is based on infrared imaging taken during overhead flight, and it’s notalways easy to tell from that altitude whether a burned-out shape was a pickup truck, say, or a shed." How damage is tallied in the Los Angeles wildfires | AP News

A map updated January 15th uses color codes for the Palisades Fire Structure Status | CAL FIRE Hub

As of January 30th, 98% of the  23,448 acre Palisades Fire is contained.  

According to a LA City Dept. of City Planning Demographic Profile in 2021 for Brentwood AND Pacific Palisades.  

  • 55,219 population
    • 54,572 (98%) in single dwelling
    • 550 people (1%) in group quarters
    • 11,446 are over 65
  • 26,315 dwelling units (of which 10% are vacant)
    • 14,443 are owner occupied (54.8%)
    •   9,046 are renter occupied  (34.3%)
    •   2,827 are vacant (10.7%)
  • $166,447 median household income

According to Cal-Fire in Pacific Palisades Fires

  • 83,622 population (Note this is more than the population of Pacific Palisades )  
    • 17,294 are over 65
    • 43.0 is the median age
    • 43,056 households
    • 5,972 households with disability
  • 46,857 homes of which 
    • 73.5% were built BEFORE 1979
    • 10% were built after 2000!

Year Built



Year Built



2020/Later    177  .3 1970-1979 7,757 16.5
2010-2019  2,120 4.5 1960-1969  7,231 15.4
2000-2009  2,395 5 1950-1959  7,958 17
1990-1999  2,813 6 1940-1949  3,230 6.9
1980-1989  4,892 10.4 1939 or Earlier  8,284 17.6
Totals 12,397 26.4 Totals 34,460 73.5

 The statistics of employees without a job is vague; considering the number of businesses destroyed in Pacific Palisades is estimated at over 1000 this is a sizeable impact on the economy of the community. 

Operational Briefings - CAL FIRE IMT2 Youtube

Tag: LA Fires | Governor of California

California has the largest civil aerial firefighting fleet in the world. It includes  Grumman S-2T Airtankers, Bell UH-1H Super Huey Helicopters, Sikorsky S-70i Helicopters, North American OV-10A (& 1 D Model) Bronco Air Tactical Aircraft and C-130 Hercules Airtankers.  
These aircraft, highly skilled pilots, and aviation support staff are strategically located throughout California at our 14 air tanker bases, 10 CAL FIRE helitack bases and one CAL FIRE/San Diego County Sheriff helitack base.

Aircraft can reach the most remote State Responsibility Area (SRA) fires in approximately 20 minutes, with the goal of keeping 95% of fires at 10 acres or less. CAL FIRE’s fleet of more than 60 fixed and rotary wing aircraft make it the largest civil aerial firefighting fleet in the world.

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