Feb. 6th: Arraignment of Mother in Murder of Flores & Yanez Children


Angela Dawn Flores was charged with three counts of murder of her own children; 12-year-old Natalie, 10-year-old Kevin and 8-year-old Nathan.
02/06/2025 08:30AM Arraignment Van Nuys West Dept. - N

Twenty-Six proceedings have appeared on the docket in the matter of The People of the State of California vs. FLORES, ANGELA DAWN.  She was charged with three counts of murder of her own children. 

  • Two were held and continued by the defendant (5/4/2024 &  7/9/2024)
  • Two were held and continued by the People (5/23/2024)
  • Four were held and continued by the Court (3/13/2024, 1/9/2024, 1/8/2024, 1/04/2024
  • The remaining 18 proceedings were held

Press Release May 10, 2022

Mother Charged With Killing Three of Her Children on Mother’s Day

Contact: Greg Risling, Assistant Chief(213) 257-2000GRisling@da.lacounty.gov

Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón announced that his office today filed charges against a woman for allegedly murdering her children over the weekend at their home in West Hills.

“We all grieve for these children. The loss of their young lives is a tragedy that has affected our entire community,” District Attorney Gascón said. “My prosecutors are working to hold accountable those responsible for their deaths.”

Angela Dawn Flores (dob 10/21/83) was charged in case LA096857 with three counts of murder. Arraignment is set for tomorrow in Department 100 of the Los Angeles County Superior Court, Van Nuys Branch.

On May 8, police responded to a home in the 22500 block of Victory Boulevard in West Hills. Flores is accused of murdering three of her children: 12-year-old Natalie, 10-year-old Kevin and 8-year-old Nathan.

Updates on court dates for Angela Dawn Flores LAVLA096857-01 are on the LACourt website. https://www.lacourt.org/criminalcasesummary/ui/


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