Second L.A. Sewer Service Fee Increase of 2024-2028 Schedule


Sewer Service Charge rate increases were paused in 2020 due to the pandemic. Reinstatement of increases were publicized "necessary to protect the public's health & the environment"

The City Sewer Service Charge rate increases were paused in 2020 because of the pandemic.  Increases begin again in Fall 2024 as they were "deemed necessary to protect Angelenos’ public health and the environment. Assistance is available for households in need. Click here for more information."

The increase was approved by the LA City Council in September 2024 via L.A. City Ordinance 188363 during a process which began in May 2024. The Council File record of the process, detailing motions, votes, public speaker requests, public comments submitted reveals not only was the public lax in voicing their opinion, but only two neighborhood council impact statements were presented.  They highlighted a challenge:

the significance of the increase merited a decision thru the ballot.

The L.A. Sanitation Dept website offers a one-minute video on YouTube in English and Spanish explaining the increase, with additional videos section below.

Upcoming Projects

  • In the next five years, the City will invest in hundreds of projects citywide, with anticipated costs exceeding $3 billion.
  • Projects will be launched to build, enhance, or replace critical pumping plants that prevent sewage overflows.
  • Modernizing the North Outfall Sewer – the backbone of LA’s 6,700-mile sewer system – will be completed after two decades of construction projects, ensuring its service for generations to come.
  • Water reclamation plants will prepare for the resiliency needs for the future of Los Angeles.

Serving over four million residents with approximately 3009 dedicated professional, technical, administrative, craft, clerical and service personnel, LASAN’s mission is to protect public health and the environment, enhancing the quality of life in all Los Angeles neighborhoods.

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