Spring Equinox Program; Griffith Observatory 6pm 3/20/25


Day and night are of equal length today. Join us at sunset on the West Terrace to mark the start of spring! Follow Griffith Observatory’s Instagram & Facebook for bonus content.

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Spring Equinox Program; Griffith Observatory; Thursday, March 20; Local noon (12:50 p.m.) and sunset (6:50 p.m.) Free;

Join us at sunset on the West Terrace (weather permitting) to mark the start of spring!

Follow Griffith Observatory’s Instagram and Facebook for bonus content. Spring Equinox, 2025 - Sunset - Griffith Observatory - Southern California’s gateway to the cosmos!

From the spring equinox until the start of summer – the summer solstice in June – days will get longer, and the noon elevation of the Sun will increase. This happens because the Earth’s axis is tilted 23½ degrees to its orbit. Day and night are of equal length today.

Spring Equinox - Sunset

Griffith Observatory marks the start of spring in the northern hemisphere with a live presentation (weather permitting) focused on the Sun as it sets on the western horizon. Inscribed lines in the West Terrace show exactly where the Sun will set on the equinox. Observatory staff will discuss how the position of the setting Sun changes with the seasons. Learn more about the seasons here.

On March 20, 2025, All Space Considered is excited to welcome Dr. Andrea Ghez, 2020 Nobel Prize winner and one of the world’s leading experts in observational astrophysics.

Griffith Observatory presents this public program live in the Leonard Nimoy Event Horizon theater on the third Thursday of every month. It is free to attend in-person. This month’s program will not be streamed on YouTube.   Attendance at the program is free. Advance registration for this month's event is recommended, but not required. All Space Considered with Dr. Andrea M. Ghez - March 2025 - Griffith Observatory - Southern California’s gateway to the cosmos!

Griffith Observatory is owned and operated as a public service by the City of Los Angeles, Department of Recreation and Parks. You can support the Observatory’s programs by donating to Griffith Observatory Foundation.

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