
30th Tele-Townhall Since Dec 2019


The topics of the upcoming September 7th townhall have not been posted on the Congressional website

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The Congressman representing residents of the West San Fernando Valley has conducted 30 remote townhall meetings for constituents since Dec 2019.  

The topics for the past two townhalls were:

May 18th: " The Debt Ceiling Fight, Bank Failures, Gun Violence & More"

July 20th: " Growing our Economy, Reforming Banks, Protecting Repro Rights while Republicans Work for Trump's Attention"

The topics of the upcoming September 7th townhall have not been posted on the Congressional website

A surprising August 2nd press release from the Congressman highlights his opinion of the third indictment, concerning events on January 6th, 2020.  NOTE: An indictment is a formal accusation that a person has committed a crime. It should be noted the process for justice is:

 Complaint, indictment, trial, and then verdict.

The assertions by the Congressman have been disputed by fact finder Snopes

 "I was there on January 6th when we saw the evidence: a violent mob attacked our Capitol to stop our election - because Trump told them to do so."

 A tally, based on the Congressman's Press Releases & social media posts, of townhalls from 2004-2023 is presented here  Congressional Tele-Townhall Tonight for Western Half of SFV | San Fernando Valley News Portal

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