University Library Map Collection at CSUN


The CSUN Library massive Map Collection relating to the San Fernando Valley also includes the Plat Book, USGS Geologic & Soil Maps, Vintage Touring Maps & topographic maps (1925-1948).

The CSUN University Library Map Collection holds a research-level collection of approximately 400,000 historical and government maps, aerial photographs, atlases, and geospatial data that support research on campus. 

Even the Instagram page of the Map Collection holds a fascinating collection.  CSUN Library Map Collection (@csunmaplibrary) • Instagram photos and videos

Patrons can find primary and secondary resources such as:

  • Historical road and tourist maps
  • Planning and zoning maps
  • Topographic maps
  • Geologic and bathymetric maps
  • WWII maps from the Army Map Service,
  • Maps from other federal agencies
    • USGS
    • Bureau of Land Management
    • U.S. National Park Service.

Maps of interest to SFV residents include:


  • Early 20th-century oversize sheet maps provide information about the geologic and soil profiles of the Los Angeles area. 
  • Medium-scale maps are important resources that also capture industrial, physical, and hydrographic details of early 20th-century LA metropolitan area. 


  • Whitehurse Air Photo Collection (1955).  A set of oblique aerial photographs taken of locations in the San Fernando Valley in 1955. 
  • Spence Air Photo Collection (1921-1941). A set of oblique aerial photographs taken of various locations in the San Fernando Valley between 1921-1941. Details include old neighborhoods, rail lines, a pre-channelized LA River, and old industrial landscapes of the SFV.


USGS LA County 6-minute topographic maps (1925-1948). The "6-minute" topo series of Los Angeles County was produced by the USGS from the 1920s to the 1940s, with some reprint editions published into the early 1950s. They provide interesting cultural and physical details of Los Angeles County, including the San Fernando Valley.

The Map Collection 

A comprehensive service point whose staff provides subject expertise in cartographic resources, general and complex reference services, and GIS research & technical support. 

The Map Library Reading Room (Rm. 26) is an open study space available to all patrons and includes a scholarly collection of books and atlases available for browsing. 

If you have research questions or inquiries related to cartographic resources, GIS, ArcMap, or using maps as primary resources, please call 818-677-3465 or send an email to

Core LA & SFV Collections | CSUN University Library

Conducting Research in the Map Collection | CSUN University Library

Scanning & Duplications | CSUN University Library

Other Cartographic Resources Online | CSUN University Library

    Related article:  Detailed Historical Sanborn Atlas Collection at CSUN | San Fernando Valley News Portal (

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