
While the January fellowship meeting has passed, if you are troubled, or know someone who is, with an unintentional harm you can find support. There is no cost to participate. Invitations to participate are sent to our mailing list. RSVPs are required in order to receive the secure Zoom link. Register here to be on our mailing list. Our meetings are held on the third Sunday of the month, from 2:00 to 3:30 PM Pacific Standard Time. Fellowship Meetings - The Hyacinth Fellowship
Unintentionally killing or seriously injuring someone is among the most profound traumas one can experience. In an instant our lives are forever changed. We question our fundamental goodness and wrestle with disruptive symptoms of acute and posttraumatic stress.
Click below and join the conversation. Tell us your story, ask a question, or offer your advice and guidance – we want to hear from you! Tell Us Your Story Here... - The Hyacinth Fellowship
Although you may feel like you will never get over this, you can feel better and make peace with yourself. This accident does not define who you are. What happened does not make you a bad person. What you did is not the same as who you are.
Your tax-deductible gift to The Hyacinth Fellowship will help us reach more people who need support and information. Priorities for the current year include:
Thank you for your support.