Public Comments for Continuum of Care Priority Ranking Policy


L.A. County Coordinated Entry System (CES) network aligns homeless services in the County together. They do not include substance abuse as a "stem" cause of or issue within homelessness.


The public comment period will open at 9 a.m. on Monday, July 17, 2023, with responses due by 5 p.m. on Friday, July 28, 2023. 

Please submit public comment for the FY 2023 LA CoC Program NOFO Priority List Ranking Policy through the following form: Submit Public Comment for the Priority List Ranking Policy

HUD requires CoCs to rank projects in two tiers –Tier 1 and Tier 2 –to encourage continuous performance improvement and local competition:
Tier 1 is equal to 93& of the CoC’s Annual Renewal Demand (ARD) for all projects eligible for renewal minus the Annual Renewal Amounts of YHDP projects.

Priority Rank Project Type Internal Evaluation Criteria Rationale/Policy Priority Alignment
1 Continuum-Wide Activities (HMIS, CES) Order by evaluation score HUD required elements of a CoC’s system per latest HUD Rating and Ranking Tool. Highest priority locally among renewal projects.
2 Project-Based Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Projects Scoring 61% or higher of total available points on evaluation PSH is the highest priority CoC-funded housing model, with project-based PSH being irreplaceable if funding is lost.
3 Tenant-Based PSH Projects Scoring 61% or higher of total available points on evaluation PSH is the highest priority CoC-funded housing model.
4 Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) Projects Scoring 61% or higher of total available points on evaluation Rapid placement and stabilization in permanent housing is critical to ending homelessness
5 Safe Haven Project Scoring 61% or higher of total available points on evaluation Provides supportive housing to hard-to-reach, high-acuity individuals with severe, persistent mental illness and serves as a viable alternative to other housing models.
6 Transitional Housing (TH) for Domestic Violence (DV) Survivors Scoring 61% or higher of total available points on evaluation TH projects, particularly those serving vulnerable populations, that enable and demonstrate rapid placement and stabilization in permanent housing remain important to the CoC.


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