993 Patents Issued to California Inventors Week 12


Pam Geller of "The Loved Dog" (title of her book & facility located adjacent to the San Fernando Valley) received a patent last week for her training method. Be inspired!

Each week the US Patent offices releases a list, based on state of filing, of patents issued.  Most weeks there are 10-20 from the San Fernando Valley, we have also included details of an interesting patent from Los Angeles dog trainer Tamar Geller.

US 11,930,787 B2  Method & System for Dog Training Tamar Geller, Los Angeles, CA (US) 

A method for progressively desensitizing a dog to certain stimuli, comprising:

  • emitting an auditory signal corresponding to each of a core behavior
  • ignoring stimuli, responding when called, retreating, and socializing only when the dog successfully performs the core behavior, 
  • wherein steps for ignoring stimuli comprises: 
    • placing a boundary between the dog a target location in front of the dog;
    • placing a valued item, unconcealed to the side of the dog and in line with the boundary;
    • responsive to the dog approaching, showing interest in, interacting with, or attempting to ingest the valued item, covering the valued item; 
    • responsive to the dog turning its attention away from the valued item and toward a target location directly in front of the dog, providing a plurality of heretofore obscured valued items directly in front of the dog; 
    • placing the valued item on the other side of the dog and in line with the boundary; and f) repeating steps c) and d); and
    • providing a plurality of a valued item concurrent with emission of the auditory signal.
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