Memorialize, Memorial, in Memoriam: Don't Forget


The first national observance of a day for those who gave their life in military service was May 30, 1868, as Decoration Day. Memorial Day morphed into a 3-day weekend in 1971.

More than 130 US Military Cemetaries will hold commemoration events this weekend. Memorial Day 2024 - National Cemetery Administration (

Los Angeles National Cemetery - National Cemetery Administration (


Memorial Day, a federal holiday held the last Monday in May, is the nation's foremost annual day to mourn and honor its deceased service men and women

The Uniform Monday Holiday Act was enacted by Congress in 1971, which established the commemoration of Memorial Day on the last Monday of May, previously it had remained on May 30th. Some suggest this distracted from the severity and solemness of the day and devalued the ultimate cost of life by service members in defense of our country.


VLM is a digital platform dedicated to the memory of nearly 10 million Veterans. VLM interactive features allow you to post Tributes (comments), upload images, share your Veteran's military service timeline and achievements, biographical information, historical documents and more.

Decoration Day, May 30, 1868, was proclaimed by Commander in Chief John A. Logan of the Grand Army of the Republic to honor the Union soldiers who had died in the Civil War. The Grand Army of the Republic was a fraternal organization of veterans who served in the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marines as members of the Union troops in the American Civil War.

Memorialize: according to the Cambridge Dictionary is "to make people remember a person or event, or to show that you remember them"

Memorial: according to the Oxford Dictionary the "earliest evidence for memorial is from before 1382, in Bible (Wycliffite, early version)."

In memoriam: according to the Webster Dictionary "Alfred Tennyson's greatest poem is his immense In Memoriam, written over a period of 17 years to mourn the death of his dear friend Arthur Hallam."

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