Last Supper Painting Reveals a Requiem - Contrasting All Other Speculative Hidden Symbolism


In 2007, Giovanni Maria Pala said of Leonardo da Vinci

"He wasn't a heretic like some believe. What emerges is a man who really believes in God."

"It sounds like a requiem," Giovanni Maria Pala said. "It's like a soundtrack that emphasises the passion of Jesus."

Giovanni interest in the suggestion of notes hidden in the picture began in 2003 when he heard a news story.  

Giovanni eventually wrote a book, released in 2007,   "La Musica Celata" ("The Hidden Music") He describes how he found what he says are other clues in the painting that reveal the slow rhythm of the composition and the duration of each note. 

The notes, which are ‘hidden’ in the bread rolls and hands of the apostles in the painting, is read from right to left, which was the writing style of Da Vinci.

Giovanni Maria Pala said the  40-second "hymn to God" sounds best on a pipe organ, the instrument most commonly used in Leonardo's time for spiritual music.


So while you may not consider yourself an artist in the same fashion, skill, or interpretation of historical events as Leonardo da Vinci, the tools we have today do allow you to create your own art or a message in a simple fashion.  Actually there are oodles of ways to take an image and improve it.

  • Canva is an excellent source - with online storage of your designs, plenty of templates, and an option to upgrade at a fairly affordable price.
  • Illustrator & PhotoShop are tied to Adobe and therefore you can expand your package pricing or limit yourself to basic software for a smaller cost.
  • However, in a pinch even Microsoft WordArt and the decades old Microsoft Paint can serve a quick picture adjustment or attempt at a meme.

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