What People are Seeing on Facebook


The Meta quarterly stats "what people see on Facebook" reveal the top 20 posts account for <3% of all views! Contrast 60.2% of views came from posts shared by people's friends!

Transparency Center (meta.com)

The top 20 posts ... accounted for about 0.03% of all US content views. In Q4 2023, the top 20 posts collectively accounted for 0.04% of all US content views.

  1. is no longer visible. It rec'd 40.6M views in Q12024
  2. The Baltimore Bridge collapse March 26, 2024, by cristina_uribe_49, with overlay verbiage explaining the events. It rec'd 38.5M views in Q12024
  3. An instructional image "How to Jump a Car", by Technology & Technic, with a link to a video within the comments. It rec'd   37.6M views.
  4. Is from August 2023, by a woman named Mary Lynn who extracted what was written online by Dr. Paulose in July 2010.  Scientific Death of Jesus received 36.4M views in Q124, eleven months after it's original post, mostly in relation to March 29th Good Friday and Easter on March 31st. 
  5. Is from Feb 22, 2024 Watson Chocolate employees unveil "sponge candy flop". It's from an IG post and since this post they have reposted similar events with equal approval. It rec'd 35.3 million views


Paul Hutchings January 2027: "Showed this to my kids last night.
  • The top 20 Pages listed here collectively accounted for about 0.8% of all US content views during Q1 2024. In Q4 2023, the top 20 Pages collectively accounted for 0.8% of all US content views.
    • LADbible  118.2M viewers
    • Unilad 112.3M viewers
    • Dad Jokes 95M viewers
    • ESPN 94.8M viewers
  • The report doesn’t include ads or content viewed outside of Feed, like on Watch, Marketplace or other places within the app.
  • In Q1 2024, 60.2% of views came from posts shared by people’s friends, from Groups people had joined, or Pages they had followed

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