Bird Photography with Steve Ball at Bolsa Chica Eco Reserve


Bolsa Chica Eco Reserve in Huntington Beach & Samy's Camera Santa Ana are the sites for a two-day course in Bird Photography. A Zoom recap session concludes the sessions.

**Attendees will receive a Samy’s Camera gift card for the amount paid for their ticket to attend this workshop**

Learn how to produce amazing animal imagery with OM System Ambassador Steve Ball.

This three-part workshop includes 

  • A wildlife photography lecture at Samy’s Camera in Santa Ana
  • Hands-on shooting session in Bolsa Chica
  • A photo review and critique session, live online on Zoom. 

Ticket Registration October 19 @ 11:00 am - October 20 @ 11:00 am $125.00

OM System Representative will be providing demo OM cameras and lenses for all attendees to try out during the workshop including the OM1 MarkII; 150-400mm lens; 150-600mm lens; 75-300mm lens; 100-400mm lens and more!!

  • Saturday October 19th 11am-1pmBird Photography Class/Lecture at Samy’s Camera in Santa Ana: Steve will teach his top 20 tips for improving your bird photography at Samy’s Camera in Santa Ana. He will cover tips on composition, camera technology that can make shooting so much easier, attracting birds to the position you want for the best photos, and more. Plenty of do’s and don’t examples to make the concepts easy to understand.
  • Sunday October 20th 7am-9am Hands-On Shoot with Demo Gear at Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve:we will head out early to Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve to practice the techniques and tips from the Saturday classroom session. Migration season will be underway so there is no telling what birds we will see along the many trails at Bolsa Chica. Bolsa Chica includes beach, lagoon and coastal sage habitats. Birds species could include Gadwall, American Wigeon, Mallard, Blue-Winged Teal, Cinnamon Teal, Northern Shoveler, Norther Pintail, Caspian Tern, Great Horned Owl, Great Blue Heron, Black Necked Stilt, Green-Winged Teal and more! OM System representative Joel Quiggin will be on hand with cameras and lenses available to try out for the day.
  • Tuesday, October 29 7pm -Photo review and critique recap session live on Zoom. You are encouraged to send Steve 2 images for this review. It’s always fun to see how we can all go to the same location and come away with a wide variety of photos. Designed to be a positive experience for all!

 Technical Level: This workshop is open to attendees of all levels.

Instructor Bio:

Steve found his love for bird photography years ago and has been hooked ever since. He received his first camera while 4 years old and led to a lifetime of photography. Former portrait studio owner, former news photographer and long time Olympus employee. He is now an OM System Ambassador who spends his time shooting, teaching, and spreading the love of photography.


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