
Click here if you can't serve on this date, but are interested in serving on other dates.
What We Do:
Delivery Team: Volunteers will be provided lunches and make meaningful connections by:
As of this time, this ministry partner can only support having 10 volunteers. This is a first come first serve opportunity, so please be sure to sign up beforehand.
We are inviting you to join us in spreading hope, joy and love to those experiencing homelessness here in our community. It's as simple as joining a team of volunteers who will hand-deliver lunches to those in need. Here's how you can participate:
Dates: 1st & 2nd Saturday of Every Month)
Meeting Details:
Shepherd Church
19700 Rinaldi Street,
Porter Ranch, CA 91326
United States
Partly Cloudy , with a high of 66 and low of 52 degrees. Mist during the morning, partly cloudy for the afternoon, cloudy for the evening, mist overnight.