
The first national commemoration of what is now called Memorial Day was in 1868, when former Union General and future U.S. President James Garfield gave a speech at Arlington National Cemetery.
The distinction of three holidays recognizing the U.S. Military are
Armed Forces Day - all currently enlisted
Memorial Day - those who were killed in combat (or have since passed)
Veterans Day - those who are Veterans - alive.
Residents "prepared wreaths, crosses and bouquets for each veteran's grave" and walked from cemetery to cemetery to honor those who died in the Civil War.
Residents decorated the graves of recently fallen soldiers, as well as men who had died in the War of 1812 and the Revolutionary War.
The Grand Army of the Republic, an association of Union Civil War veterans, began recognizing May 30th as an official day of remembrance, to honor those who died in combat by decorating the graves of Union soldiers.
Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, June 27, 1968, which officially declared that Memorial Day would be celebrated on the last Monday in May rather than May 30th.
Public Law 90-363 June 28, 1968 AN ACT [H.R. 15951]
Memorial Day at the Reagan Library
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