
Today there is discussion about the morphing of the remembrance into a 3-day weekend, with retailers encouraging shopping as part of the festivities.
Grocers have made a visible choice to honor the holiday while acknowledging, in picnic and barbeque oriented specials, it is a three day weekend*
Von's/Albertsons did include "Honor & Remember" while also including a special directed towards those who are more likely to keep Memorial Day traditions: "Military discount days" get 10% off your grocery shopping trip May 28th-30th.
Vallarta knows the Hispanic demographic of enlistment in the U.S. military has grown significantly. So similarly, they acknowledge America's military in this weeks advertisement. It should be noted that in the U.S. until very recently the demographic with the largest enlistment was the Native American; so it is not surprising of a similar increase in Hispanic enlistment.
Smart and Final included a nod to those who picnic on Memorial Day, who embrace their family, but also had a very large acknowledgement of the root focus of Memorial Day: "Remember & Honor"
Lastly, Ace Hardware offered customers a flag on May 28th to honor American Veterans.
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